
Posts by raerankin

Do you like to write?

Do you like to write?

I spent the day a few weekends ago at a craft fair in Redmond, WA. It was a beautiful day...

I’ve Written a Children’s Book Now What? Budget & Business Planning

I’ve Written a Children’s Book Now What? Budget & Business Planning

I realized as I was getting ready to start writing the post giving tips on how to find an illustrator...

I’ve Written a Children’s Book, Now What? Part VI

I’ve Written a Children’s Book, Now What? Part VI

Illustrations There are many decisions an independent author must make when deciding to publish a children’s book. And one of...

Z is for Zucchini Bread and the Zoo

Z is for Zucchini Bread and the Zoo

When I was growing up, my grandmother had a house on the Oregon coast in a small town called Arch...

Y is for Yens

Y is for Yens

If you are a Gilmore Girls fanatic like I  am you will certainly recall the episode where Rory goes golfing...

X Marks the Spot

X Marks the Spot

Most of us have gone through a period where we were (or still are) fascinated by pirates. For most we...

W is for Writing

W is for Writing

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about a question I’ve gotten in several interviews, it’s the one where I’m asked,...

V is for Vignette

V is for Vignette

I have written numerous blog posts here on the definition of a word and its relation to writing. Today as...

U is for the Unknown

U is for the Unknown

Unknown adjective not known; not within the range of one’s knowledge, experience, or understanding; strange; unfamiliar. not discovered, explored, identified,...

T is for The Golden Flip-Flop: A Cinderella Story (Part One)

T is for The Golden Flip-Flop: A Cinderella Story (Part One)

Authors Note: This was originally supposed to be a short, sort of silly story that my husband and I made...